Ayanot Branch
Nestled within the Ayanot Youth Village, the Ayanot branch thrives, embodying the legacy of the "Large Women's Farm" established in the 1930s. Originally conceived as a hub for nurturing and educating young women, this institution, under the visionary Ada Fishman Maimon, has significantly shaped the historical narrative. Today, our academy operates an immersive museum that unfolds the captivating story etched by Ada.
Within the village, we offer a haven for individuals who have chosen to step out of their homes and undergo a transformative educational journey. Side by side with the integrated high school, catering to students from the surrounding region and the village, our agricultural expanse encompasses a poultry coop, goat shed, equestrian facilities, greenhouses, and a petting corner. The student body resides in proximity to these facilities, immersed in the serene ambiance of our unique courtyard with lush greenery and picturesque views.
In adherence to our commitment to community work, our trainees actively contribute to the farm, elementary school, and high school, collaborating seamlessly with their counterparts from the village. Additionally, they spearhead an independent youth movement in the village during the evenings. Aderet Leadership Academy takes a lead role in organizing and participating in various village events, including Memorial Day ceremonies, Hanukkah celebrations, Kabbalat Shabbat, and more.
Branch Staff
Matan Hoffman
Head of Branch
jerusalem-born, residing in Ayanot, partner to Hila, and father to the nerdy twins Nevo and Dror. A Hashomer Hatzair movement graduate and former messenger of the Jewish Agency, he holds a bachelor's degree in social work and a master's degree in government and public policy. Served as a combat soldier and commander in the 50th Battalion of the Nahal Brigade.
Shira Ben Muha
Educational Director
Residing in Tel Aviv, Shira is a committed professional holding a bachelor's degree in youth promotion and special education. As an alumna of the Telem Pre-army Academy, Shira brings a wealth of experience, having served in leadership positions within Havat HaShomer and Michve Alon. In her most recent army role, she served as the commander of the Harel Brigade, overseeing new immigrants and lone soldiers.
Oren Nachumovich
At 27, Oren, born in Tzur Hadassah, is a seasoned professional with a bachelor's degree in psychology and education. His army journey encompasses various roles in the Givati Brigade, and he currently serves as a team commander in the reserves. Oren has been a volunteer with the "Makshivim" organization for two years.
Tamar Ya’ari
Originating from Ganei Tikva, graduate of HaKfar HaYarok High School and Aderet Leadership Academy. Her journey includes guiding in Bnei Hamoshavim and volunteering with Magen David Adom youth. In her army service, Tamar served in the Combat Intelligence Corps in Modi'in and participated in navigation duties at the Tel Nof Airbase.
Eliah Edlis
Eliah, a 22-year-old graduate of Aderet Leadership Academy, hailing from Modi'in, served as a commander for new immigrants at the Michve Alon base. Following her discharge, she embarked on an inspiring journey along the Israel National Trail.
Dr. Shmaryahu Ben-Pazi - Biblical Studies, Character Development & Virtue Cultivation
Matan Hoffman: Zionism, Politics
Shira Ben Muha: Community Work Training & Topics in Israeli Society
Moshe Levy: The Jewish Literary Canon
Nadav Pinchi: Middle Eastern Studies
“Ladaat. Choose Well" Association -
Sexuality and Relationship Gender Workshop
"Spoken Economics" Association: Economics Series